Installation Of Microsoft Sql Server Native Client Failed Because A Higher Version

Native client for MS SQL Server installation. Failed to load shared library when connecting to the. Program Files Microsoft SQL Server MSSQL14.XXXX MSSQL Binn. Log story short I am at a dead end: I cannot install client due to an higher version and cannot uninstall the higher version. Crystal Reports - SQL Database. Install the sql server native client tools. Look for it here:(sqlncli.msi). 'Installation of Microsoft SQL Server Native Client failed because a higher version already exists on the.

If you can't access the distribution media, the installer for 'SQL Server Native Client version 10.0' can be downloaded from the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Feature Pack. Expand the 'Install Instructions' and search for '2008 R2 Native Client'. SQL Server Native Client 11.0 download for Windows 7 32 bit. It is suppose to work. After searching an hour, MS claims it can be installed as part of the new SQL Server in one of the directories. Microsoft System CLR Types for SQL Server 2012 (is included in Endpoint setup) - Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Management Objects (is included in Endpoint setup) - Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express LocalBD (is included in Endpoint setup) - Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client - Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Command Line Utilities 2.

SQL Server Native Client SDK, click This feature will be installed on local hard drive, click Next, and then click Install. In the User Account Control dialog box, click Continue. Install SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services. Jan 28, 2009 I failed to find on the net a client.msi that included SP2 and a bit of Goggle research pointed to the fact that I cannot easily uninstall SQL 2005 SP2. Log story short I am at a dead end: I cannot install client due to an higher version and cannot uninstall the higher version. Crystal Reports - SQL Database. Install the sql server native client tools. Look for it here:(sqlncli.msi). 'Installation of Microsoft SQL Server Native Client failed because a higher version already exists on the machine' 0. Mlmcc Commented: 2012-05. Crystal Reports - SQL. Install the sql server native client. 'Installation of Microsoft SQL Server Native Client failed because a higher version already exists.

Reported by Mar 02, 2017 at 06:53 PM I am trying to install VS2017 community edition, have selected cross platform workload. Installation fails with log message: Package 'sqlcmdlnutils,version=15.1.61701.250,chip=x64,language=en-US' failed to install. Thank you for submitting feedback. In order to efficiently investigate and reproduce this issue, could you please give us a setup log file so that we can conduct further research?

Sql Native Client Latest Version

You are able to get the files with the following steps: 1) Download collect.exe from the link. 2) You may choose to save the tool for later use, or to run directly.

3) The utility creates a compressed cabinet of all the VS and.NET logs to%TEMP% 4) Upload your by choosing insert file tag on add comment field then submit after signing in. You can get more details about how to get the log files here: We look forward to hearing from you with this information.

By: Aaron Bertrand | Updated: 2015-10-06 | Comments (51) | Related: More >Install and Uninstall


There are scenarios where SQL Server is difficult or impossible to uninstall,upgrade, or replace (and these can block you from installing a new version or usinga specific named or default instance):

  1. An expired Evaluation Edition:
    Evaluation period has expired. For information on how to upgrade your evaluationsoftware please go to

  2. An expired Management Studio:
    Your Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio evaluation period has expired.
    You can get a key to extend your trial by registering this copy of MicrosoftManagement Studio online. You may also purchase a key to activate the product.

  3. Unsupported operating system (after an OS upgrade):
    The operating system on this computer does not meet the minimum requirementsfor SQL Server xxxx.

  4. Missing MSI files, e.g.:
    Slp: Target package: 'C:...sql_engine_core_inst.msi'
    Slp: InstallPackage: MsiInstallProduct returned the result code 2.

  5. Too many instances to remove individually, or other various errorsduring uninstall.

In these situations, is there a way to cleanly uninstall SQL Server?


There is a built-in command called msiexec which has an uninstallparameter (-x). This command can be used to remove stubborn programsthrough brute force. First, though, you need to get an inventory of the GUIDs thatrepresent the programs you need to remove. All you see in the Control Panel arethe friendly names, as you can see here:

(This is a brand new system where I installed multiple SQL Server 2014 componentsin order to demonstrate my approach of cleanly removing them without using the ControlPanel or SQL Server's own setup, but rather using msiexec and the GUIDsfor the products.)

You can get the GUID associated with each installed product by searching aroundthe registry, but I would rather use the MSI Inventory tool, which you can download( fromthis OneDrive folder, and extract msiinv.exe to a folder, sayC:temp.

Once that file is there, you can open a PowerShell console, and run the followingcode:

Here is a truncated version of what my output from that command looks like (thereis a benign error you can ignore):

This output is marginally useful for now; I can quickly scan the list and seeall the GUID codes for the products I want to remove, and start mentally filteringany out as necessary. I could manually copy and change the output to feed each GUIDindividually to msiexec, but ultimately where I want to end up is aset of commands I can run directly from the command line, for example:

And I get there with a little help from my good buddy, co-worker, and PowerShellofficionado, Allen White (@SQLRunr):

Now, you can open up remove.bat, look through the list, and removeany products you *don't* want to uninstall. The format will look like this, almostexactly how I wanted them:

Now run remove.bat from the command line. You'll get prompts like this:

And you'll also likely see some confirmation dialogs from User Account Control.You may get some errors or dependency warnings, and to avoid some of the prompts,you'll want to make sure all related services have been manually stopped. You mightwant to run from an elevated command prompt (perhaps evenusing the 'super admin' if you're on Windows 10), and also play with some ofthe switches to msiexec, like /quiet. You can enable/quiet by changing the second last line in the Powershell script aboveto:

Also, you may have to run the script twice to completely remove things that failedthe first time due to dependency order. The second time around, if you don't use/quiet, you will see multiple notifications that the product you'retrying to remove is no longer installed:

But after running through it twice, this should leave you with a much cleanerControl Panel:

Installation Of Microsoft Sql Server Native Client Failed Because A Higher Version

The remainder of these items should really be much easier to remove manually;or, you may not want to bother; or, you could repeat the process above with differentarguments to Select-String. I wanted to focus on a single run-throughwith the SQL Server components, since they are the ones that prove most problematic.


This is not the most intuitive approach in the world, but I hope it helps someof you remove stubborn, sticky SQL Server components from your systems. It constitutesa bit more work than normal uninstall operations, but when Control Panel or SQLServer Setup won't cooperate, this might be the next best thing. (Note that thisprocedure will not be effective in completely removing a clustered instance of SQLServer; I wouldn't even try.)

Next Steps
  • Try this approach if you have a system with SQL Server components that haveexpired or can't be removed in the usual way.
  • See these related tips and other resources:

Microsoft Sql Server 2012 Native Client

Sql native client latest versionLast Updated: 2015-10-06

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Sql Server Native Client 11.0 Odbc Driver

Installation Of Microsoft Sql Server Native Client Failed Because A Higher Version
About the author

Sql Native Client Latest Version

Aaron Bertrand (@AaronBertrand) is a passionate technologist with industry experience dating back to Classic ASP and SQL Server 6.5. He is editor-in-chief of the performance-related blog,, and also blogs at
View all my tips

Sql Server Native Client 10.0