Everlast Training Camp Ultimate 6 Week Workout Pdf

  1. Everlast Training Camp Ultimate 6 Week Workout Pdf Free
  2. Everlast Training Camp Ultimate 6 Week Workout Pdf Online

Note: Because of the volume of training you get during boxing workouts, avoid regular weight training for shoulders. If this is a lagging body part, incorporate no more than 6–8 sets of basic presses and raises on Day 6. The end of Week 6. 6 weeks of boxing training, that’s 30 intense boxing workouts. I can hardly believe it. My Measurements. Okay, it’s embarrassing photo time (how did I agree to this again?!). It’s the 3rd photo and this time a shorter space of only 2 weeks. Exercise 6 - 25 Sit Ups. Exercise 7 - 10 Leg Raises. Exercise 8 - 10 Rotations. Exercise 9 - 10 Ab Crunches with your Ab Wheel. Conditioning Circuit - Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday - You will need a jump rope - DO NOT Rest Between Each Exercise - Rest 60 Seconds Between Each Circuit - Complete Circuit Twice. Exercise 1 -30 Seconds Jump Rope.

Intense Boxing Workouts

Everlast Training Camp Ultimate 6 Week Workout Pdf Free

You can click the image to the enlarge it. Only if you want to (I dare you).

MeasurementWeek 1Week 4Week 6
Height6.1″ (185cm)N/AN/A
Neck15.5'15'15' (same) (lost 0.5' total)
Chest46'43.5'42.5' (lost 1') (lost 3.5' total)
Waist (around belly button)41'39'38' (lost 1') (lost 3' total)
Waist (natural – smallest area) 38'36.5'36' (lost 0.5') (lost 2' total)
Buttocks42'42'40.5' (same) (lost 2' total)
Biceps13'14'14' (same)(gained 1' total)
Thighs23'22'22' (same)(lost 1' total)
WEIGHT 203lbs191lbs 185lbs(lost 6lbs) (LOST 18lbs total)

The end of Week 6. 6 weeks of boxing training, that’s 30 intense boxing workouts. I can hardly believe it.

My Measurements

Okay, it’s embarrassing photo time (how did I agree to this again?!). It’s the 3rd photo and this time a shorter space of only 2 weeks.


I’m very happy the weight loss is continuing at a rate of 3lbs per week (same as the first 4 weeks). As you can see there’s more to work on. But it feels like parts of my body are definitely tightening up and changing shape. I’m pleased the ‘moobs’ are decreasing (another 1″ off the chest) and there is definition around my ribs – although I’m beginning to think progress around the belly and hips will be the biggest challenge.

Initially I was slightly disappointed with the biceps size – the same at 14″. I’ve been hitting the bag harder and faster! But after taking a closer look there is now minimal loose fat around the triceps – so I’m counting that as a “gain”!

What I’ve noticed

I’m certainty noticing not carrying around an extra 18lbs. It’s sounds weird but walking is different, it’s like I’m wearing new shoes or switching from heavy boots to light running shoes. I’ve calculated my camera bag with 4 lenses and all the gear weighs 16lbs – and I constantly moan how heavy it is when hiking on a photography trip. 6 weeks ago I was carrying more than that.

Everything is going in the right direction, and there are two factors I’m actively looking at for the remaining 3 weeks – Diet and my Sedentary lifestyle.

I’ve been learning more about food and diet. Calories, protein, carbohydrates, fat. These are not words I’ve paid much attention to. Generally speaking I eat a healthy diet, low in processed food for main meals – but I let myself down badly at other times. In between meal snacks can have a massive impact. I’m shocked how easy it is to undo all my hard work.

Next week – I’m making a big effort to be more aware of what I’m eating and avoid the obvious bad choices. I’m also adding in a morning and afternoon walk – to combat all the sitting I do during the day. I’m sure this can help make a difference.

Overall it’s looking very positive. I’ve followed the program for 40 days and it’s got me this far. I now feel lighter, stronger and fitter – with more persistence, I’m confident it can only improve and I can continue to feel the benefits of boxing training!

Cheers, John.

Everlast Training Camp Ultimate 6 Week Workout Pdf Online

Everlast Training Camp Ultimate 6 Week Workout Pdf

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