Altera University Program Qsim Download

4 Altera Corporation - University Program May 2012. RS232 UART FOR ALTERA DE-SERIES BOARDS For Quartus II 12.0 3.2.3alt up rs232 check parity. Altera is configured; An interesting note: Altera under its University Program is providing FPGA’s at subsidised rate Check this link for more details Altera University Program I am planning to get one of my own very soon 😀 Please Comment for improvement of future posts – Nishant Nath.



EECE259 Instructions forDownloading and Installing Altera Software

January 14, 2011


For the practical assignments, you need to install version9.1sp2 of the Altera tools:

  1. Quartus II Software
  2. Nios II Embedded Design Suite
  3. Altera University Program IP Cores
  4. Altera Monitor Program
  5. USB-Blaster Driver (IMPORTANT: Windows 7 users need version 10.0 or greater)

You must install the software in this order.

Before you begin, make sure you have about 10GBof free space for temporary storage. The finished installation requires about3.5 to 6GB (depending on whether you uncheck options below).

Altera University Program Qsim Download

You can download the software from Altera uses a downloadmanager that can resume an interrupted download. The total download is1.7GB.

Do not install the software on the lab computers(we’ll do that for you).


A. Quartus II Web Edition

Download and install “Quartus II Web Edition v9.1 ServicePack 2”:

You should install with the default options. However, tosave disk space, choose “Custom” instead of “Complete” and keep “CycloneII 62MB” but uncheck all others. After unchecking, theinstaller will say you need “2572MB” of space.

Note: you do not need to download the ModelSim software; wewon’t be using it.

B. Nios II Embedded Design Suite

Using the same link as step A, download and install “Nios IIEmbedded Design Suite”. When you run the executable, it first will ask to unzipthe files in a temporary location. To make it easy to remember this location,set it to C:Temp

Again, to save disk space, choose “Custom” instead of“Complete” and uncheck “Verilog hardware design examples” and “VHDLhardware design examples”. After unchecking, the installer will say you need“1658MB” of space.


After installation is complete, manually delete the files inC:Temp to reclaim 613MB.

C.Altera University Program IP Cores andAltera Monitor Program

Altera University Program Qsim Download Windows 10

Download and run the Altera University Program Design Suiteinstaller from:

Installation instructions can be found in the followingtutorial:

You can also read the Nios II tutorial:

Altera University Program Qsim Download

Altera University Program Qsim Download

Sections 6 and 7 of this tutorial provide a good overview ofNios II instructions and assembler directives. An example program is explainedin section 8. You can also use this program to play around with the MonitorProgram. However, the program in section 8 might generate an assembler error(there is a problem with the last “stw” instruction). You can use the followingfile instead:

E. USB-Blaster Cable Device Driver

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Windows 7 users, follow the link below to download a newerUSB-Blaster driver (the version included in 9.1sp2 will not work with Windows7)

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Using the USB cable, plug your DE1 board directly into yourcomputer and turn it on (RED power switch). You do not need to use the ACadapter. (If you plug into a USB hub, the USB-Blaster may not be recognized.)Install the appropriate USB-Blaster Cable device driver using theseinstructions:

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The instructions refer to a folder “<Path to Quartus II installation>”on your computer. If you used the defaults during installation, this will be C:altera91sp2