Windows Server 2012 Remote Desktop License Crack

Using a VMware template, I recently deployed the 9th Windows 2012 Remote Desktop Services server in our RDS collection. After adding the new host server to the collection and attempting to launch a RemoteApp session, I received the following error:

  1. Windows Server 2012 Remote Desktop License Crack Key
  2. Remote Desktop Server Windows 10
  3. Remote Desktop License Cost
  4. Windows Server 2012 Remote Desktop License Crack 64-bit

Oct 01, 2019 The successor to Windows Server product Key, called Windows Server 2019 R2, was launched along with Windows 8.1 on October 2013. Windows Server 2012 R2 Crack Free Download Windows Server 2012 R2 Crack also include crossbreed cloud assistance, enhancements to virtual machine & storage (VM) portability. Nov 08, 2016 Here I wanna show u how to crack RD Services on Windows Server 2012 R2. As u know RD Services one of the popular service in Windows Server, But it requires a licensing service, This license is called Remote Desktop Services client access licenses, and it’s required some money to obtain RDS CALs, per device or per user basis.

RemoteApp Disconnected

The remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop License Servers available to provide a license. Please contact the server administrator.

Assuming your licensing configuration is valid and you have licenses available, if you receive the above error the problem is likely an expired “GracePeriod” registry key. In our case, this “GracePeriod” key found its way into the registry at some point when this template was built. And since it was built many months ago, this grace period has since expired. You’d think RDS would be smart enough to see the license server in the domain and act accordingly, in this case, talk to the license server, confirm there are available licenses and then either ignore the grace period key or remove it. But nope, it just gives you the above error instead.

Lucky for you the fix is easy. You simply delete this key manually.

Open up the registry editor and browse to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlTerminal ServerRCM

You should see a key called “GracePeriod”. Right-click this key and then click “Permissions.” Assign yourself (or Administrators, assuming you are part of that group) “Full Control” and then DELETE the key. You won’t be able to delete it unless you give yourself at least read/write permission (Full Control is just expedient). Now reboot the server and everything will be right as rain.

If you deploy your RDS hosts via a template like I do, it’s probably a good idea to delete the GracePeriod key from the registry in that template. Because you know you will forget to do this next time!


Thanks to RobBot for providing the solution. › ★ ★ ★ Windows Server 2012 Remote Desktop Licensing Crack
Windows Server 2012 Remote Desktop Licensing Crack

After having been in corporate IT for 15 years, I find myself in the back room of a mom and pop computer shop, working for a guy who likes to bite off more than he can chew.. and while I've administered Microsoft SMS and SCCM, I have never been involved in setting up Terminal Services or Remote Desktop Services and the associated licensing that goes with it.
Which is exactly where I find myself today.
I have the server, I installed Server 2012 R2 Standard, and I enabled Remote Desktop Services, however, I am in a 120 Day Grace Period.
I purchased 5 Server 2012 CALs, but I think I need RDS CALs - is this correct? When I went to try and muddle through the licensing wizard, the CAL certificate that I have didn't seem to match any of the formats that RDS licensing wanted to see.
The end goal is to have the client running ACT! Contact management software on the server and be able to have up to 5 concurrent users.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

In this article we’ll consider the installation, configuration and activation of Remote Desktop Licensing role on Windows Server 2016, as well as the installation and activation of the RDS client access licenses (CAL).

I remind that after the installation of Remote Desktop Session Host role, users can use it only for 120 days of a trial period, and users can’t connect to an RDS host afterwards. According to Microsoft licensing scheme, all users or devices using RDS features must be licensed. To register and issue client access licenses (RDS CAL), there is a separate RDS role service called Remote Desktop License Server.

Installing the Remote Desktop Licensing Role on Windows Server 2016

Before you start the installation, add (or make sure you have the permission to add) a new server to Terminal Server License Servers domain group, otherwise the server won’t be able to issue RDS Per User CAL to the domain users.

You can install Remote Desktop Licensing using Server Manager. To do it, select Remote Desktop Services role in the Add Roles and Features Wizard.

Select Remote Desktop Licensing as the role component.

Wait till the role is installed.

Activating the RDS License Server

In order your RDS License Server could issue licenses to clients, it must be activated. To do it, open Remote Desktop Licensing Manager, right-click the name of your server and select Activate Server.

Activate Server Wizard will start, in which you will select the activation method you prefer. If your server is connected to the Internet, it can automatically connect to Microsoft servers and activate RDS license server. If there is no direct Internet access from the server, you can activate the server using a web browser or by phone.

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Then you must enter some information about your company (some fields are mandatory).

It remains to click the Finish button.
If you right-click the server name in the console and select Review Configuration, you can verify that the RDS License Server is activated and can be used to activate RDS clients in your domain.

Types of Remote Desktop Client Access Licenses (RDS CAL)

Each user or device that connects to Remote Desktop Session hosts must have a client access license (CAL). There are two types of RDS CALs:

  • Per Device CAL is the permanent license type assigned to a computer or a device that connects to the RDS server more than once (when a device is first connected, a temporary license is issued to it). These licenses are not concurrent, i. e., if you have 10 Per Device licenses, only 10 hosts can connect to your RDS server.
  • Per User CAL is the type of license that allows a user to connect to the RDS server from any number of computers/devices. The license of this type is tied to an Active Directory user and issued for a specific period of time (90 days, by default).
Note. We should note that 2016 RDS CAL may be installed only on a license server running Windows Server 2016, installation of new CALs to the previous Windows Server versions is not supported.

Installing RDS CALs on the license server

Now you must install the package of terminal licenses (RDS CAL) you have purchased on the License Server.

Windows Server 2012 Remote Desktop License Crack Key

Right-click your server in Remote Desktop Licensing Manager and select Install Licenses.

Select the activation method (automatic, online or by phone) and the license program (in our case, it is Enterprise Agreement).

The next steps of the wizard depend on which license program you have selected. In case of Enterprise Agreement, you must specify its number. If you have chosen License Pack (Retail Purchase), enter the 25-character product key you got from Microsoft.

Specify product version (Windows Server 2016), license type (RDS Per user CAL) and the number of licenses to be installed on the server.

After that, the server can issue licenses (RDS CAL) to clients.

Configuring the License Server on a RD Session Hosts

After the RDS License Server is activated and running, you can reconfigure RD Session Host to obtain licenses from this server. You can select the license type and specify the name of the license server using PowerShell or GPO.

To select the license type to be used, run this command:

Remote Desktop Server Windows 10

$obj = gwmi -namespace 'Root/CIMV2/TerminalServices' Win32_TerminalServiceSetting

Then specify the license type you need:


Note. Enter 4 if the server must use Per User licensing type, and 2, if it is Per Device.

Then specify the name of the RDS License Server:


And check the current settings:


When configuring via GPO, you need to create a new GPO and link it to the OU with RDS servers. The licensing settings are located in the following section of the GPO:

Computer Configuration -> Policies -> Admin Templates -> Windows Components -> Remote Desktop Services -> Remote Desktop Session Host -> Licensing

Windows server 2012 remote desktop licensing crack

There are 2 policies that we need:

  • Use the specified Remote Desktop license servers – the address of the License Server is set
  • Set the Remote Desktop licensing mode – the licensing method is selected

You can check the License Server status and the number of the issued licenses using RD Licensing Diagnoser (Administrative Tools -> Remote Desktop Services -> RD Licensing Diagnoser).

Note. In our case, after we specified the new License Server the following error started to appear on the RDP client: “The remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop License Servers available to provide a license”. The problem can be solved by removing the L$RTMTIMEBOMB key from the registry.

Windows Server Licensing for Virtual Environments

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