Time Machine Couldnt Complete The Backup To My Passport For Mac

How to get the best Time Machine performance

  1. Time Machine Couldn't Complete The Backup To My Passport For Mac 2017
  2. Time Machine Couldn't Complete The Backup To My Passport For Mac
  1. Select the Time Machine option and click the Select Disk option. Now, choose your WD drive from the displayed list. Click the Use Backup Disk button to back up all the files on your Mac device automatically. Now, all the files will be automatically saved to your external drive. Time Machine can perform an hourly backup or for the past 24 hours.
  2. First turn time machine off (System Preferences Time Machine Off) Navigate to /Volumes/VOLUMENAME/Backups.backupdb/COMPUTERNAME/, where you will see a list of folders dated by when the backup was created. If you see a folder with.inProgress in the name, move it to the trash. Turn time machine back on and complete a backup.
Time machine couldn

After the first Time Machine backup, future backups should be faster, because Time Machine backs up only the changes since your last backup. If most backups take longer than you expect, try these solutions.

Time machine off. Left of time machine shows Disk image 320.07 GB Hitachi. (My hard disk indented a little under that, another grey disk image Mackintosh HD out to margin, a yellow USB disk image 1TB WD my passport 0746 Media. (this is the new external hard drive which is supposedly formatted for mac.

Upgrade to macOS Big Sur

macOS Big Sur significantly improves Time Machine performance when used with an APFS-formatted backup disk. You get this benefit automatically after creating a new backup disk in Big Sur.

If you're backing up to the same disk that you were using before upgrading to Big Sur, follow these steps:

  1. Select your backup disk in the Finder.
  2. Choose File > Get Info from the menu bar, then look for the information labeled Format.
  3. If the format isn't APFS, but you want improved Time Machine performance in Big Sur, use Disk Utility to erase the backup disk. This permanently deletes any backups and other data on that disk.
  4. Set up Time Machine to use the backup disk again. After the first backup, future backups should be faster than before.

Check for large, frequently updated files


Some apps store data in unusually large, frequently updated files. Backing up such files can be time-consuming. Try these solutions:

Time machine couldn
  • Upgrade to macOS Big Sur and an APFS-formatted backup disk, as described above.
  • Or contact the app developer to learn how to best use their app with Time Machine.
  • Or exclude those large files from your backup: Open Time Machine preferences, click Options, then click the add (+) button to add a file or folder to be excluded.

The Reduce Clutter feature of your Mac can help identify large files and show when they were last accessed.

Check for apps that keep your backup disk busy

Time Machine Couldn't Complete The Backup To My Passport For Mac 2017

Use your Time Machine backup disk only for Time Machine. Some apps, such as antivirus utilities, might keep your backup disk busy by frequently accessing the disk to find items or save items. Find out whether the app's settings can be changed prevent that.

Check your network performance

Time Machine Couldn't Complete The Backup To My Passport For Mac

If you're using your Time Machine backup disk over a network, backup speed is affected by the performance of your network. If you're experiencing poor Wi-Fi performance, analyzing your wireless environment might help identify issues. You might get better performance by connecting the backup disk directly to your Mac.

Check your backup disk for issues

Time Machine should tell you when it can't complete a backup because of a problem with your backup disk, but you can use Disk Utility to check your disk for issues at any time.

  • Make sure that you're using a backup disk supported by Time Machine.
  • Unless you're using a network backup disk, make sure that your backup disk is connected directly to your Mac, not through a USB hub or other device.
  • If your backup disk is connected directly to your Mac, use Disk Utility to repair the disk.
  • If you're using a network backup disk, make sure that the network connection is good and your Mac is connected to the same network as the backup disk. If you completed a previous backup successfully, verify that backup: Press and hold the Option key while choosing Verify Backups from the Time Machine menu in the menu bar.
  • Make sure that the firmware of your backup disk is up to date. Check with the manufacturer of the backup disk for details.
  • If no other solutions work, start over: Erase your backup disk, then use Time Machine to select it as your backup disk again.