As for the length of each cycle: '17 days is a key component of the plan - it's the timeframe in which alterations in dietary habits can affect our bodies, both inside and out,' Moreno says. Dec 11, 2018 The 17 Day Diet is a popular weight loss program created by Dr. It claims to help you lose up to 10–12 pounds (4.5–5.4 kg) in only 17 days.
The 17-Day Diet Menu consists primarily of lean proteins such as fish and grilled chicken along with raw or steamed vegetables such as artichokes, okra, spinach, tomatoes, and water cress. Your meals and snacks can include fruit choices such as oranges, prunes, or red grapes.
Dr. Michael Moreno, author of “The 17 Day Diet: A Doctor’s Plan For Rapid Results,” has received accolades from “Self” magazine as well as “The New York Times” best-seller list. His diet and exercise plan combines some elements of low-carbohydrate diets, traditional Chinese medicine, basic walking, and avoiding deprivation.

The 17 day diet menu starts with a rather restricted food plan. You will eat primarily lean proteins such as fish and grilled chicken along with raw or steamed vegetables such as artichokes, okra, spinach, tomatoes, and water cress. Your meals and snacks can include fruit choices such as oranges, prunes, or red grapes. Also, you should eat small quantities of approved dairy products such as yogurt and feta cheese. Ideally, you are walking 17 minutes or more every day or building up to that kind of activity level.
Moreno’s plan does not allow any type of regular or diet sodas, especially during the first three phases of this blueprint for long-lasting lifestyle changes. In the fourth and hopefully ongoing stage of the 17 day diet, followers can eat pretty much whatever they like during the weekends. The actual weight loss varies, but many people lose about 17 pounds in the first month of the diet.
Green tea has received a lot of attention lately for helping promote energy levels and boosting weight loss. Moreno makes green tea an important part of the 17 day diet, especially for people who typically guzzle diet soda or coffee for energy. People who detest green tea or are morally opposed to using any element of traditional Chinese medicine will probably need to find another diet.
All it takes is a humble bag of tea. Find out how in THE 17-DAY GREEN TEA DIET, developed by the bestselling authors of Eat This, Not That!
The secret lies in a rare but powerful nutrient known as EGCG—found almost exclusively in green tea—that improves fat burning, inhibits your body's ability to build new fat cells, and protects you from each and every one of the major diseases of our day.
Its effects are so powerful that, by combining it with the 4 unique superfoods of THE 17-DAY GREEN TEA DIET, you will:
Lose body fat
As much as 14 pounds in 17 days!—while eating all your favorite foods. Discover why green tea drinkers have, on average, 20 percent less body fat than non-drinkers.
Never feel hungry or deprived
Even as the pounds melt away! Green tea quashes hunger, reduces stress, and even improves sleep.
Boost your metabolism—instantly!
Discover how green tea improves the effects of exercise—and even helps tone your muscles.
Detox and cleanse your body, naturally
One study found that drinking tea may block your body from absorbing environmental toxins.
Slow the aging process and look, feel, and live younger
Those who drink the most green tea are less likely to die of any cause than those who do not, according to an eleven-year study.
With a complete, easy-to-use eating plan that works for everyone, plus delicious recipes for meals, snacks, and even desserts, THE 17-DAY GREEN TEA DIET is the perfect plan for anyone who wants proven results—fast! Inside, you'll get:
The Complete Meal Plan

Discover simple rules of when to drink tea and how to make them work with the green superfoods, so you'll lose your belly in just 17 days.
Guide to Fat-Blocking Teas
Learn which ones have the most weight-loss power—and how to brew the perfect cup in seconds.
17 Day Diet Plan

Delicious Green Tea Recipes
Learn 30+ ways to drink, cook and enjoy green tea, with our delicious and easy-to-make how-tos.
The Slim-Down Fitness Plan
Take your weight loss to the next level with this bonus high-intensity workout.
17 Day Diet Plan Mike Moreno
All it takes is a humble bag of tea. Find out how in THE 17-DAY GREEN TEA DIET, developed by the bestselling authors of Eat This, Not That!